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Spiritually Awakening

Comes from the subconscious mind, which leads the body to eternal bliss and removes any tension from the physical world. It’s form of God’s calling, where the mind and body to emerge in to one, seeking a higher level of energy. Bringing the unconscious to conscious, aiding others to spiritual healing brought from the ancient Vedas. It is said that once the mind is a awake, the body transforms to many deep stages, from chaos, confusion, to (moksha) liberation from all our thoughts. The spiritually awakening is similar to how caterpillar transform itself to a beautiful butterfly, as it transformation it struggles in chaos, but slowly it develops its wings and ready to lift off to moksha, hence liberated from all from of life. As we speak, the earth is going to its own spiritually cleansing, where many of today’s souls are getting awakening to a higher vibration while connecting to mother earth. Today’s world to a degree is exposed to material wealth and social status from an Instagram feed to a Tiktok post gone viral. Trust me I know it’s quite hard to turn and look away. Especially when some of these posts just boost up our appetite for a small dose of dopamine level, which stimulates the mind to a sensation of pleasure. However, after experiencing the spiritually awakening, the matrix curtains will finally be revealed. The choice is simply yours to take, being the red or blue pill. Today society as we know it, it’s not sexy to practice mediation, opening up your chakras and following a simple lifestyle. Its more of status quote to obtain more wealth and see what happiness bring to you. I feel obtaining material wealth is a temporary high, which usually wont be satisfied, no matter how much you achieve your desire will constantly outlast your demands. With spiritually awakening the buck stops here, the bliss of ecstasy is so strong that you feel you’re walking on cloud 9.

My journey in spiritually awakening has just began, I’m starting to become a sponge and soak all the ancient wisdom from Sadhguru to Dalai Lama. I feel Hinduism and Buddhism, teaches the best of both worlds which ignites our dharma’s even further. My main focus is to build a world filed with spiritually beings, and transform our life to be rooted with nature and find our true calling of life. As my spiritually awakening grows, I want to connect with nature, be able to understand their feeling and explore my ancestral wisdom that’s buried deep within. I feel that our mind and spirit run very deep and we are able to connect to the subconscious mind, it might sound a bit eerie but interesting at the same time. Exploring the unknown and bring others to a state of conscious, where our past life can provide a true gift to today’s generation which speaks in volumes. At times my body lingers for mediation, from activating my heart chakras, to bringing thoughts to reality. With the law of attraction, manifesting my dreams and planting the seeds to the spiritually minds, to build a better world for tomorrow. I know the human mind and body is run on certain frequency (5Hz) and vibration, and if were able to tap in to that frequency we would be able out do technology. From teleporting our mind, to increasing our brain intelligent to communicating our thoughts without expressing any words to each other, that my friend is another form of spiritually awakening.

It’s journeys that each one of us should try to indulge at its gradually pace, along with a guru to guide. Each one us including our self, should start working on ourselves, as our mind is majority occupied with who's doing what and why. I say forget about him, her or them, it’s time to unleash your true awakening and experience the journey of life. Because I can almost guarantee you, that the people of your surroundings, will still be around in the same situation (facing today) 10 years from now. Just think 10 years from now a new you, feeling of external bliss, no concrete desires to chase the status quo. As by now you are no longer in the matrix and able to use your mind, to transform people lives for a better tomorrow and possible able to define the relativity of time. Till we meet again, I look forward to hearing from your spiritual journey...


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